OnLine Algae Analysers

Online and lab instrumentation

A range of online and laboratory analysers to measure algae and to determine algal activity

algal monitoring
Algae lab Analyser


Laboratory cuvette analyser for algal monitoring, the ALA is the quickest and most cost-effective way of measuring total chlorophyll, distribution between algal classes and algal activity.

The activity measurement may be used to assess the effects of potentially toxic substances on the viability of suspended aquatic algae.

Ideal for testing potential agro-chemical effluents prior to discharge.

algal monitoring
Algae Guard


A continuous flow through online algal monitor, with simple alpha numeric display and digital output alarms for control purposes

It is a simplified and lower cost version of the AlgSys_AOA featured below.

It is particularly useful for abstraction control at potable water treatment works.

algal monitoring
AlgSys Microflu online algae


Fixed site versions of the single wavelength Microflu range are available in conjunction with the Tribox controller.

The sensor may be deployed as an in situ device or with a flow through adaptor. Air cleaning of the specially coated lens is available.

algal monitoring
Algae Online Analyser

bbe_Algae On Line Analyser_AOA

A highly sophisticated continuous flow through on-line algal monitor with full real-time display and data logging.

Capable of measuring four algal classes, total chlorophyll, yellow substances and algal activity.

Ideal for detailed studies of water resources