Biological & Toxicity Monitoring
Envitech Ltd are able to supply a variety of equipment that could be used for intake protection. Amongst these are both online and offline Toxicity and Algae detection systems. Our online Toxicity analysers utilise several different methods for various applications.
- Bacterial Toxicity - WWTP intake protection, river water monitoring
- Algal Toxicity - Water supply Reserviour, River & marine monitoring
- Daphnia Toxicity - water intake protection
- Algal Differentiation - Water supply reservoir, marine research
- Respirometric - Laboratory and On-line for WWTP protection, bio-degradation studies, WWTP control

Envitech Ltd have experience of supplying a number of respirometer systems and Toxicity analysers for many years. We are able to supply systems and accessories from different manufacturers across the world for a variety of applications.
Due to the range of instrumentation available, and the wide variety of applications, please fee free to get in touch to let us know your requirements either through our contact page or by using our online Application Questionnaire.