Novel Water and Waste water Monitoring Case Studies
Waste water monitoring instruments utilising optical characteristics of the sample to indicate the concentration of water/wastewater parameters have made major in-roads into water and wastewater monitoring applications in recent years. Envitech recognise these advancements and seek to work with manufacturers to bring highly accurate and well-developed equipment into the UK market.
The main advantages include:
- Low maintenance requirement
- No chemical usage/cost
- High sensitivity
- Very rapid measurement - continuous
- In-situ measurement
- No pretreatment

Recognizing these advantages Envitech have sourced a range of the best available sensors, with their unique characteristics and benefits, from a number of different manufacturers worldwide. This enables us to offer the best of the best to our clients. The following instruments are just some of those novel ways of water monitoring available, the links will take you to related case studies.
Multiple Wastewater Parameters with a single analyser : Dr Patrick Keller , Stip Isco, IET
On-line analysis has been used for monitoring and process control in wastewater treatment for approximately 20 years. The on-line analysis market started with cabinet analysers. Recent developments of in-situ analysers can result in significant installation cost savings, provide direct measurement at the sampling point and require little or no reagents. The new Stip-scan is a recent example of such an in-situ probe which allows the measurement of multiple parameters simultaneously. The measurement technique is based on UV/Vis-spectroscopy and it is possible to measure nitrate, spectral absorption coefficient (SAK UV 254). COD, TOC, TS, SV(Sludge Volume) and SVI (Sludge Volume Index) with one simple probe. No chemicals are needed for calibration or operation of the analyser and in addition functions with little or no maintenance.