In-situ UV scanning spectral analysis
MultiSys_props is a multi-parameter analyzer utilising UV photometry, which combines high precision UV transmission measurements with a mathematical spectral analysis software in order to provide single substance concentrations from natural or artificial mixed samples. The system can determine simultaneously and online NO3, NO2, TOCeq, CODeq or many others parameters without chemical reagents.
Available in two versions:
- MultiSys_propsWW: “Waste water” version for the most applications with an adjustable optical pathlength of 1 to 10mm and pressured air cleaning system
- MultiSys_propsCW: Clear water version for application with low concentrations, for seawater applications and laboratory use.
The propsCW has an adjustable pathlength of 10 to 60mm and can be equipped with a cuvette holder for laboratory use.
Full functionality including fingerprinting and multiple specified parameters is available with propsWW or propsCW. The MultiSys_props measures a hyperspectral UV absorption spectrum to derive the individual measurement values. Additional calibration functions are offered and can easily be installed with assistance from Trios - without the need to purchase new hardware.

- miniaturised design
- RS232 interface
- 0-5VDC interface
- 0/4-20mA interface
- high sensitivity
- low power consumption
- low cost
- fast acquisition
- RS232 auto power down during non-use
- anti-fouling nano-coating
- air cleaning option
- low maintenance costs
- no need for frequent calibrations
- detects many hydrocarbons
- enviroFlu-HC 500: 0..50ppb and 0..500ppb
- enviroFlu-HC 5000: 0..500ppb and 0..5000ppb auto ranging (only with RS232) or pre-set
- RS232
- 0..5VDC
- 4..20mA
Click on the image to download the 2-page Hydrocarbon analyser brochure
Or contact us for more information on our analysers
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Click on the image to open a quote request form for the OilSys_HC
Or contact us for more information on our range of analysers