The BlueMon is a fully configurable, wet-chemical multichannel online analyser.
The operating interface is especially user-friendly, so the analyser may be bought either pre-configured or as a generic system to be programmed by the user.
This system utilises the newly designed Flow-Chart-Method software to program analysis cycles.
Parameters may be detected by directly connected sensors e.g. pH , temp etc , modelled using a UV/Vis spectrometer and software, or measured using ionometric, photometric or titrometric wet chemical methods.

Any application where continuous parameter analysis of an aqueous substrate is required.
- Automatic calibration and self cleaning
- User selectable measuring & calibration interval
- Generic or bespoke parameter
- Integral Data logger for value and malfunction logging
- Several liquor pretreatment systems available
- Photometric, Ionometric, titrometric & direct read sensor technology all available
- Complete flexibility
- Choice of method to suit parameter, range and sample characteristic
- Remote communications/fault diagnoses and control
- Fully automatic operation with cyclical calibration and dilution processes

Click on the image to download the 2-page Bluemon brochure
Or contact us for more information on our analysers
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- Filesize: 709KB
Click on the image to open a quote request form for the Bluemon
Or contact us for more information on our range of analytical equipment