Remote Data
Envitech’s Remote logging and Data transfer Telemetry System uses cellular GSM or GPRS comms to transmit water quality data automatically to the customer at set intervals. The system is designed for ease-of-use with no programming required by the customer. Envitech configures each system in advance to collect and transmit data at the customer’s specified intervals.
Data Collection, Transmission, and Access With the Envitech Environmental Telemetry System, water quality data is collected with a Eureka Manta at the user specified interval. The data is sent to a secured web-site. There the data is presented with gauge type data for the most recent, and historical data can be downloaded into Excel. Out of the Box Operation: With Envitech’s remote data system, everything is set up in advance, leaving you to install and flip the on switch. Of course, if you need assistance, we can help with installation.

- Designed for Year round operation without mains even within UK sun levels!
- Data transferred to webserver with easy internet access
- Flexible configuration tailored to user requirements
- Low cost of ownership
- No frequent calibrations needed
- Minimal maintenance
- Accurate in low DO environments
- Automatic error detection
- No regular sensor refurbishment needed