Maintenance Contracts, Analyser Service & Site Calibration
Maintenance Contracts - Process Analyser Service- Total Care Maintenance Package Service
Increasingly, users simply want to obtain data from process analysers and look to the supplier to carry out the analyser service. Due to the low maintenance requirements of the analysers we supply, Envitech are able to offer very cost effective Total Care Maintenance Packages:
- Envitech Engineers can be contracted to maintain, refill reagents where necessary and respond to instrument breakdown service requirements. The user is not required to provide any specialised labour to operate the analysers at all.
- With many analysers, remote access options via GPRS/ GSM can also be offered with alarm options providing a real time link between Envitech and the analyser or via the internet.
- Envitech can tailor the Maintenance package to users requirements depending on the application, the equipment and resources available on site.
- Our safety systems have been checked and have been accredited by the 'safe contractor' scheme, so our clients can have confidence in our work whilst on site
- Please note that some new spare parts for the STIP BIOX 1010 and 1015 legacy BOD analysers are no longer available.