Optical Analysis Solutions
Optical sensors for low cost, low maintenance measurement of clean and dirty waters
The Trios Props & Enviroflu-HC are ideal instruments for clean water abstraction protection. The Props is a hyperspectral spectrophotometer which measures and records the UV absorption spectrum over a large portion of the UV frequencies. Sophisticated software is then used within the instrument to process the spectral data and indicate the concentration of important species:
- TOCeq
- CODeq
- NO3-N
- NO2-N
- Phenol
- Chloramine & many others
The Enviroflu-HC detects fluorescence from polyaromatic hydrocarbons found in many oils. It is highly sensitive and may detect oils down to ppb level
Both instruments may be used "In-situ" or engineered into in line systems, the Props having its own flow cell adaptor.
Intakes may also be protected from algal blooms related harmful toxins by utilising the BBE AlgaeGuard which measures the fluorescence due to different algal classes and indicates total & blue green algal concentrations.

Props flow cell arrangement & Preconfigured complete kit
Optical Sensors
Instruments utilising optical characteristics of the sample to indicate the concentration of water/wastewater parameters have proven extremely popular over recent years. The advantages include:
- Low maintenance requirement
- No chemical usage/cost
- High sensitivity
- Very rapid measurement - continuous
- In-situ measurement
- No pretreatment
Recognizing these advantages Envitech have sourced the best available sensors, all with their unique characteristics and benefits, from a number of different manufacturers, enabling us to offer the best to our clients. The following instruments are just some of those available:
- DOSys optical DO from Insitel G
- Fluoroprobe Alage detection from BBE
- Props UV spectrophotometer from Trios
- Enviroflu-HC for oil detection from Trios
- SolSys-MJK for multipath SS detection
- StipScan for in-situ mixed liquor analysis - MLSS, COD, NO3-N settleability

Waste Water Applications
On-line flow through and in-situ wastewater applications
Incoming sewages, activated sludge liquors and final effluents may all be analysed for important paramters using optical techniques.
Multipath reflection of IR light, with the SolSys-MJK, gives the best possible accuracy for solids measurement over a very large concentration range (mg/l to % solids)
Attenuation of Ruthenium fluorescence due to the presence of oxygen is utilised in the DOSys IG to give very precise DO measurements in activated sludge.
Props may be used to give organic strength and total dissolved sulphide concentrations in incoming sewage by processing the UV absorption spectra over the relevant wavelengths, and the enviroflu-HC can detect oil contamination in the incoming liquor.
The last device is also ideal for detection of oil spills in surface water run off and contamination of cooling water due to oil seal failure. Envitech have installed units for both these purposes at Steel pope manufacturers and large power generation facilities repsectively.