Airport Case Studies
Envitech Ltd have extensive experience of monitoring airport runoff at some major UK airports. We have included our airport case studies on this page.
For over 20 years, Envitech have supplied a number of monitoring instruments to airports, primarily for monitoring runoff.

On-line BOD at airport - summary of application - Dr C Genner
A summary of several airport sites where On-line BOD monitoring an control has been implement. To date over 30 On-line BOD analyzers have been installed in the UK for this type of application. Key advantages over traditional on-line TOC monitoring are low maintenance leading to excellent reliability and that the BOD measurement is a true biological detection system.
Download the full article here
Installation and a Year's operational experience of an on-line BOD monitor supplied and installed for monitoring Surface Water Run-off at Gatwick airport, J Pickering Bsc, Msc - IET
Consultants acting on behalf of Gatwick Airport in Sept 1995 proposed an on-line BOD monitor, the BIOX - 1000 which was installed as a trial unit from Nov to March 1996. Due to the success of the trial a new Biox-1010 BOD monitor was installed in April 1996 and has been in continuous operation since - automatic control has been transferred from the Toc units to the Biox at the beginning of January 1997. Three further BIOX-1010 units have been installed now at Gatwick airport. with also an on-line COD unit at the local WWTP.
Download the full article here
Here comes BOD monitoring, M Brown, EBM
Melanie Brown looks at the use of a BOD monitor to measure runoff at Britain's airports. Glycol is widely used as an antifreeze agent which accumulates in run-ff water resulting in a BOD which must meet discharge consents for the site. If airport storm water run-off can be monitored on-line, the first flush of contaminated water can be collected and isolated for discharge to sewer, while clean run-off water can be passed to receiving waters.
Technically speaking - Peter Minting looks at the pollution problems caused by run-off from airport, WWT
Growth in airport traffic is much higher than predicted. BAA has proposed doubling the size of Heathrow with the Terminal 5 development being as big as terminal one to four put together. Surface water run-off from airports has not been tackled until relatively recently in the UK. Different strategies for treatment and containment have been adopted at differing airports in the UK and USA and these are discussed.