Multiparameter water quality
Envitech can supply a range of instruments which are capable of measuring a number of different parameters within the same instrument. These include hand-held multiparameter sondes, Fixed site on line instruments, fixed site in-situ instruments and multiparameter hand held photometer systems.
A few of our instruments are able to provide multiple measurements. The GoSys 'ISA', is a UV/VIS spectral analyser providing a way of measuring multiple parameters from a single sensor.
Additionally, from the same manufacturer, we have the 'Bluesense' system offering a staggering range of sensors each measuring a single parameter. Not only will these two systems (ISA and Bluesense) integrate into a common network, additional radio modules can be incorporated and the data collected, distributed to a PLC or made available on the cloud.
Multi-Channel / Multi-sensor
Designed specifically for Wastewater monitoring, the InsiteIG range has led the field in optical Dissolved Oxygen and Suspended Solids sensors. Alongside their single-channel analysers and dual-channel analysers, there is a Multi-Channel system that can accept 4 sensors, and can be expanded to take 8 sensors in total. Insite IG offers sensors for Dissolved Oxygen, Suspended Solids (Low-Range and Standard Range), pH and ORP. Insite IG also offer a hand-held portable logger which can connect to any of their specially adapted sensors reading the same parameters as the MCA.
Multiple Measurements with photometers
Envitech also supply a range of photometers, which together with a selection of test kits, will be able to meet a whole host of water monitoring needs. We have hand-held photometers and state-of-the-art laboratory photometers to suit every application.
At one end of the 'spectrum', we have the PF3 hand-held photometers able to measure a range of tests suited to specific application groups. The range of instrumentation includes heating blocks for tests that need a digestion phase - we even have portable heating blocks. At the 'top-end' of the scale, we have the sophisticated touch-screen UV/Vis spectrophotometer from Macherey Nagel
Multi Sensor Head
The Multi Sensor Head(MSH) is a modular sonde that allows the integration of up to four sensors or electrodes in one submersible probe head. As one possible configuration, conductivity, temperature, redox, pH and oxygen can be determined with one MSH.
The integrated electronics allow the direct digitalization of analogue sensors. The MSH can alternatively be integrated into the BlueBox system via CAN bus or into a PLC via Modbus. The necessary protocol and PC configuration program are freely available.