Site Surveys

Waste Water Treatment Plant Performance - ask about the Envitech Mobile trailer kitted out with on-line waste water analysers
Process plant performance can be assessed much more effectively and often with cost savings if real time data is available. Envitech can offer process analysers for site surveys with a complete installation and data monitoring service using Web Access / GPRS /GSM telemetry systems.
Diurnal load patterns, rogue discharges at the inlet including toxic inputs, and overall treatment performance throughout the WWTP can all be assessed with on-line analysers based on parameters such as TOC, BOD, COD, Toxicity, Ammonia, Solids and others. On-line process data can be used to assess when and where additional laboratory analysis would also be helpful, and this investigative approach can save significant time and money in lab costs.
A full plant performance report can be generated using data available remotely which reduces site time & costs incurred.

Discharge pipe & Sewer flow & sampling surveys
A range of sampling and flow measurement techniques can be offered to assess the quality and flow characteristics of effluent and clean water open channels. Liaison with Mcerts Certified Flow engineers can be arranged to provide a complete flow monitoring audit to ensure compliance with Mcerts requirements. In addition closed pipe flows can also be measured in many cases.

Anaerobic & aerobic Waste Water plant respirometric Data
Envitech is able to offer various respirometric analysis to provide clients with a measure of biological activity / inhibition of various wastes. Data generated in the form of OUR graphs can rapidly identify toxic inputs that require special treatment or diversion.