Optical Dissolved Oxygen

Insite IG Dissolved Oxygen sensors

suspended solids monitor
Dual Channel
optical dissolved oxygen monitor
Single Channel

The Model 10 Dissolved Oxygen Sensor incorporates optical fluorescent technology, solid state electronics, and a unique side mount element. The optical fluorescent technology provides increased dependability, no sensor caps, no routine calibration and no need for flow, because there is no oxygen consumption.

The solid state electronics means no membranes or other consumables and reliable digital communications up to 600m.

portable monitor
Insite Portable
ph, DO, SS and ORP

The side mount element increases impact protection and facilitates the integrated jet clean.

The continuous DO sensors come standard with tool free ¼" O.D. tubing connectors for the integrated jet clean and 33ft (10m) of sensor communications cable. Additional cable length is available upon request.

The sensor comes in various guises, including a sensor for the 'IPM' portable logger as well as a few different options for connection to the Single Channel, Dual Channel and Multi-Parameter transmitters:


optical dissolved oxygen

Model 10

The standard sensor mount. This model features all of the above with a PVC 1-1/2" NPT male mounting thread.

dissolved oxygen

Model 10PI

Intended for in-line monitoring in a large diameter pipe. The mount is 2" NPT male thread in 316 stainless steel that works with a customer supplied 2" Thread-O-Let. The integrated jet clean with this sensor includes an inline check valve. There is a flow indication groove on the back of the sensor mount that should be parallel with the flow. Maximum in-line pressure is 20 psi.

optical dissolved oxygen analyser

Model 10T

Intended for in-line Dissolved Oxygen monitoring utilizing a by-pass loop. The by-pass loop is generally configured using customer supplied full port ball valves on both sides of the tee. The supplied tee (as shown) is Schedule 80 PVC, with 3" slip connections for process piping and a 2" female NPT connection for the DO probe. The integrated jet clean with this sensor includes an inline check valve. There is a flow indication groove on the back of the sensor mount that should be parallel with the flow. Maximum in-line pressure is 20 psi.

optical dissolved oxygen analyser

Model 10HT

This 'Hot Tap' Sensor combines the ease of use of a hot tap mount with the reliability of the InsiteIG DO Sensor. The mount is a 2" NPT male thread in 316 stainless steel that works with a customer supplied 2" Thread-O-Let, saddle or existing piping. The integrated jet clean includes an in-line check valve. There is a flow indicator on the back of the sensor mount that should be parallel with the flow. Maximum in-line pressure is 40 psi.

Other Sensors in this range: Suspended Solids - pH / ORP